Hi everyone! :) After saying goodbye to so many dear ones, here are a few random pics of our goodbyes and travels to a quaint little town called Cranford.
Double Date with our cousins, Joel & Joanna :)
Hugs with Bestie, Fiona
Sweet sweet little ones
Oh moving from all of these dear people is so hard...
Baby Evan demanded that we leave one day later because she miraculously was born on the morn we had scheduled to leave. What a blessing to meet this sweet baby face to face. A precious goodbye and more hugs with the dear Ducommuns, Adamses, and Laura Reich! :) Go Evan... you rock.
Took a stop along our drive in Amarillo, TX, to view the cross that Mike Adams had helped raise. This cross can be seen from miles around.
Moving is tough, but it draws our hearts to lean on each other.
Here we are on our trek - van packed to the brim with only necessities. All else has been graciously sent via Momma Priestley and Dad Burtch.
Got to see Grandpa Priestley on our way out. We visited in Kentucky together at Matthew's dear Grandma Jane's house.
Made it by October 1st, and Cranford welcomed us with open arms.
Here's our wonderful house. Matthew did such an amazing job finding our family a home. We live on the top floor. We have wonderful neighbors living on the bottom floor. A single dad with a couple great kiddos around Norah's and Maryn's age.
Trees!!!! and Fall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Local Coffee shop in downtown Cranford that we've claimed as our new go to dive - Rockn' Joe. (pic not my own) Oh my.... SOOOOO good! AAAND cheaper than Starbucks ;) Not to mention... it's a 5 min walk from our front door. The downtown here is so great! It's riddled with individually owned businesses just like this one.
Far away from loved ones, we are thankful for strong family bonds.
SOOOO thankful for visitors like my Mom and Dad who came to visit for Thanksgiving!!!! Oh what a grand time!
Aaaaaand Genevieve and Pam came to visit us for Christmas!!! :D It was soooo wonderful to have some home delivered to our front door for both holidays.
Our favorite Park - "The Dinosaur Park!"
Doing each other's hair :) - a favorite past time.
Visiting a mall trying to find our new places to frequent. So far, our favorite mall is called Menlo.
Our town sent out flyers to vote on our family's favorite scarecrows of the town. Apparently it's a tradition here... we LOVE this sweet city.
Mommy's and Maryn's Fave
Norah's Fave
Daddy's Fave
We got to visit Daddy's studio in Brooklyn for the first time!!! :D
SO thankful for the Malloys who live in PA. We've been blessed to visit with that sweet family of 6 at least once a month. Such dear dear friends.
We love just driving around and discovering new parks/places to frequent. What a gorgeous state!
So there's a little catch up with a few random photos and such. We're so thankful for the love we've felt from those from home whether thru skype, email, calls, visits, or whathaveyou. Not to mention the amazing support we received from you all through prayer and especially physical help with our move! Thank you all! We could never thank you enough. We're thankful for how God's provided thus far and are looking forward to what the future will hold.