Sunday, March 17, 2013

Baby Beasley's Little Nook

One day the girls and I took some time to just glance around Home Goods and what did I find?! A mobile for our sweet Baby #3 :).  Little bees buzzin around their honey hive sparked the thought of Winnie the Pooh disguised as a rain cloud trying to convince the bees that he wouldn't be a threat to their beloved hunny. 

So, a little simple sketching and branch hunting at the park later, we have a Vintage Hundred Acre Wood themed nook for our Baby Beasley :). *My text could be improved, but hey :) I LOVE the lyrics. 
I'm thinking of making some leaves with a gold, copper, and some other color depending on baby's gender once found out, and/or a mix with some burlap-like material. I'm really digging color and texture ;) 
Perhaps I will add some silhouettes of birds and such as well. We'll see. But either way, it's pretty fun whippin' out the hand-me-down drill and other fun tools from my dear Dad to affix the branch and mobile safely. Boy, do I love projects! 

Jump little Children

 As Daddy was on his way home from the city, gloriously there was sunlight so we could get some bundled up energy out before dinner :)
Running around at the park down the street.  
 Finding animals in the clouds. 
Having now experienced true winter, we're really appreciating Daylight Savings time. The sun doesn't set now till around 6:30 or 7 at times whereas before it was too early. 
Good night sun :)

Ginger and Spice & Everything Nice

A little bit of fun...