Tuesday, February 12, 2013

We will run and scream, You will dance with me, They'll fulfill our dreams and we'll be free

On glorious overcast and drizzly Monday, Matthew and I had the wonderful opportunity to go on a LONG awaited date in the big apple.  Our good friend, Jennifer Malloy, watched the kids at our place. She arrived early with her kiddos so I could catch an early train to meet my hubby after his shoot in Brooklyn. It was my first time braving the trains here on my own, and quite frankly, it was a grand adventure. I love public transportation and it was very similar to past travel experiences. 

SOOOO excited to see my man, I thought I'd miss the first train, but I made it just in time. I found my Beau and we grabbed a Naked Juice for me and a Red Bull for him and strolled to Central Park. It was my first time venturing in, ever. 100 feet in we decided it was a bit too icy for me especially being this far in the pregnancy and all.  So we decided to come back in the spring, after snapping a photo ;) It was gorgeous. The bare barks of trees mixed with the whites of snow and winding paths and bridges made my longing to experience Home Alone 2 satisfied. *Sorry that the pic doesn't give much context, but you can tell we were there, right? :)  
Soon after, we realized we needed to head to the fashion show. Matthew and I had been invited to DL1961's Spring Collection Runway show after he landed and shot the campaign for their Fall collection. If you're wondering what they are here's their link: http://www.dl1961.com/. You can see his photography streaming on the first page. 
Here's the rad invite we received (photo borrowed from DL1961's website):
What an awesome experience to witness this honor for my hard working hubby!
So proud of this man!!! 
Matthew had this surreal moment when he realized that people around us were flipping through a magazine that he'd shot the photos for. Here's my terrible attempt to snap a shot incognito: 

There he is!, both represented in photography as well as his blurb below:
It was wonderful to be a part of the denim show, witnessing live what we've only seen in film. Beautiful people, and beautiful clothing: 
There was a live pop&lock/r&b/soul dance performance introducing and ending the show that was full of fun and pizzaz! It made me wanna up and join them. Every group needs a pregger right? ;)
A couple of the models in the show were part of the campaign Matthew shot and others were highly recognizable faces within the fashion industry. It was incredible to witness in action!
This is where the show took place. It was on the bottom floor of the Alice Tully Hall at the Lincoln Center: 
After the show, I had a chance to meet several coworkers and people within Matthew's industry, one of which was a lovely lady named Gina - his agent at Ford Agency. She's great; and it's wonderful to have a face for the name now. 

We then decided it was time for a bite to eat. Jennifer graciously gave the ok to stay out and enjoy, so naturally...we did :). We didn't have a clue of where to go, so I followed Matthew to Soho to see what we could find. Wandering the streets, we turned a corner and serendipitously happened upon a beautiful little hole in the wall called Pepolino Ristorante. Dimly lit and calling us back to streets of Europe, this quiet nook seized our interest. Needless to say, we were romantically whisked away to Tuscan Italy on a fine dining journey:
Me and my Love enjoying what we decided was our Valentines celebration:
Delicious breads were served as our complimentary appetizer with a garlic tomato flan spread...I'm craving more:
Per recommendation of our hospitable, passionate, and yet quiet and reserved waiter, Matthew had the homemade house lasagne (fabulous!), and I had the ravioli of the day: homemade spinach and ricotta stuffed with a gorgonzola cream sauce....... absolute HEAVEN. :) 
I forgot to load a shot of the shared ricotta cheesecake that came with high recommendation off of yelp, but honestly, it was basically gone by the time I remembered to take a pic. It was wonderful though - almost a creme brule version of a shortbread crusted cheesecake. MMM. 

Even though we felt a little out of place, it being so long since we've been out without the children, and honestly feeling a tad awkward since we're not used to the attention to detail they offered, their service was impeccable, foods - delectable, and overall experience -exquisite. We felt utterly pampered, and we dream to go back again one day.

On our way back to the station, what better to end the night with a craving satisfied only offered by a shop in NY Penn Station: Krispy Kreme. Yes, delicious glazed donuts from there make the ever so popular Duncan Donuts seem like sugared stale bread.
On our way to the train, Mumford and Sons filled the air with a local street performer. Love that band!

"So as we walked through fields of green
Was the fairest sun I'd ever seen
And I was broke, I was on my knees
And you said yes as I said please"

What a wonderful time with my Matthew! Here we are on the train ride home, thankful for our long awaited time together:

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