Sunday, February 24, 2013

Colors of the wind

After blessing me with watching the kids as I slept in this morning (which was very much needed), Matthew had a wonderful idea today inspired by one of our kids favorite movies: Disney's Pocahontas. He thought it'd be great to get out and see a real waterfall! Luckily there is one not even a half an hour away. So, off we went to Paterson Great Falls. 
 Found this and laughed so hard. It's not my own: 
When we arrived Norah and Maryn were in awe. Maryn just woke up from a nap and couldn't stop marveling that before her was something she had just seen in her favorite movie!

 Norah and Maryn ate it up and certainly would love to go back again. Grrrrrrrrrreat idea Daddy! :D


Joanna Ducommun said...

AMAZING photos! What an awesome adventure for the girls! The video is precious. :)

Sarah Robbins said...

Look how big your girls are getting! (Also, I posted a picture of my 90210 hair last week. Just saw your comment over at Joanna's.)